[Rant on …] Identity Politics

All Blacks Are Not Africans; Just as All West-Indians Are Not Black In Canada, the 1960s Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism and the Canadian Multiculturalism Act of 1988 served as the political touchstone of multiculturalism. Since then, Canadians (especially its political class) apparently like to tout that the country is multicultural; and this, multiculturalism (as… Continue reading [Rant on …] Identity Politics

[Rant on …] Cows And Bears

The Banana Boat Song Annoys Me To No End Each, and every time, that I hear the refrain  …. Day-o, day-ay-ay-o (the Harry Belafonte’s popularised version of The Banana Boat Song), it irritates as much as it did as when I was a youth. Now, as an adult, the source of this irritation happens during basketball games where… Continue reading [Rant on …] Cows And Bears